The three quarrymen

I would like to share with you a story that I've read in a Spanish book called “Companies' Failure's causes” (how to learn from other people's experience) by Enrique Zamorano. So, this extract says…

There are three quarrymen at the foot of a cathedral doing the same job: sculpting stones.

A stranger gets closer to one of them and asks: “What are you doing?

The quarryman answers: “I’m sculpting stones” and, with his bad-tempered look, he adds: “Can’t you see it?

The second one replies saying: “I’m earning my living” and his gesture seems to say: “It’s too hard, you know?

When the third man hears the question, he brings up his head, glances up, and with his eyes shining, he says: “I’m building a cathedral


The same action could have different meanings. The third quarryman is, indeed, who does his job with excellence: he takes his work as a challenge and does it with passion.

Published: September 08 2007

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